COVID-19 Service Declaration

In keeping with the guidance from the Department of Health and the Australian Government.

During the COVID-19 pandemic we are taking additional steps to make sure everyone can stay healthy and safe when we visit your workplace. It is very important that you inform us in advance if anyone in your household is unwell, or self-isolating because they are at risk of becoming unwell, with COVID-19. 

Unfortunately, due to strict public health requirements we will be unable to attend if anyone in your household is unwell or in self-isolation. We will of course treat this information in strict confidence and will be happy to reschedule your appointment for another time. 

Roland DG will be implementing the following 

  • Refraining from shaking hands when we greet you or your staff.
  • Our team will wear PPE when servicing inclusive of Facemasks, Gloves, eye wear protection.
  • Wash or sanitise hands before and during their site visit.
  • Wiping down the machine prior to service work commencement (especially the control panels and handle areas on machines Blade holders, Media Clamps, Roll holders. Before and after the service.
  • Limiting the use of shared stationary, keyboard or computer peripherals during the course of their work.
  • Maintain proper hygiene protocols during the course of their site visit where possible.
  • Request your team to maintain distance whilst they work on the equipment as much as possible in order to keep you safe.
  • Dispose of PPE once used and wipes once used.

Please help us to manage the risks to the health and safety of our staff by cooperating with the measures we have outlined above. Do the same things for us that you are doing to keep your own family and friends healthy and well. 

This includes frequent handwashing, covering your nose and mouth when you need to cough or sneeze with the crook of your arm or clean tissue and observing rules for physical distancing. Click here to view Roland DG Australia's Privacy Policy.